Hello, from the chronic illness trenches! A few days ago, I wrote my first article for Medium. It’s an article that’s very near and dear to my heart, as it tells a story about the strength we all possess as we battle our illnesses. I hope you will pop over there and give it a read – but most of all, I hope it resonates with you all quite strongly. I also hope it inspires you if you’re low – and helps you to see just how much of an absolute SUPERSTAR you are! Sometimes it takes other people… people you may not even know… to say or do something to make you realise how strong you are. Often it’s hard for us to see, ourselves, from within the depths of the chronic illness trenches.
The story I lay out in the article is my own. It’s about an incident that happened to me at my physical therapy appointment… on a day just like any other day. It’s about words of encouragement and hope – and it’s about letting those things “in” when they are given to us. We NEED to let them in more often than we probably do. I do hope you will be uplifted by this story and inspired to accept these vital assets into your own life as well.
Would you mind doing me a favour? If you go over to Medium and read my article, would you mind giving me a follow on there? I am hoping to apply to their paid Partners program and their eligibility requirements state that you must have 100 followers in order to do so. Like many of us who live on disability, I am trying to find little ways here and there to earn a few dollars, so this could be a big help, as I hope to write more and more articles for them in the future. Thanks so much!